I have found my new creative outlet....and it definitely isn't one I would have guessed. I have fallen in love with making tutus and hair bows/headbands. I always tried to pick up cute headbands on the rare occasion I found one here in good ol ND. Other than odering off of etsy.com, options here are pretty limited. I made the two tutus for Lara's 6 month pictures and really enjoyed it. Then I decided to take matters into my own hands on the cute headband front and taught myself how to make those as well.
Luckily for me, in showing off Kayla's awesome work on Lara's pictures, I got my first request to make a tutu with a matching headband. Here is how it turned out...can't lie I'm pretty proud of it...
I also made Larue a cute Valentines headband... Lack of cute hair accessories for my little girl....solved.

Two more requests for tutu's today....the birth of a mini business perhaps? I wouldn't be upset...Lara can only wear so many tutus....