(You will want to scroll to the bottom of the page and pause the music before you watch the videos.)
13 months old....she is walking all over the place...flexing her sass muscle....and has an uncanny ability to find exactly the thing she shouldn't be doing or thing she shouldn't be playing with...and do/play with it. She is no longer my chubby monkey infant who is perfectly happy snuggling up on my chest and rocking. It makes me tear up a little when I think about it too much.
But on the flip side, she wakes up in the morning even cooler than she was the day before. The rate at which she learns continues to blow my mind. She has started doing things because she thinks she's funny...loves books, pushing her dolly in a stroller, "helping" me in the kitchen....So its really a decent trade off.
She is also very polite....I forgot to ask her to sign it in the video below, but she can now sign "please"....and signs it when she wants something. She also knows that is the appropriate sign when I ask "How do you ask nicely?" Brilliant I tell you....brilliant.
And now, without further adoo.... are some vids of the Wolliams house celeb herself.
Here she is doing a little walking....she's still trying to find her balance....so hopefully it will be a little while yet before she gets to runnin'.
And signing....we LOVE
Baby Signing Time at our house....Banana, Cracker, and Baby are new ones...so they are still a little goofy. But she does the same motion everytime we go over them...so its a step in the right direction.